ZSITE 6.6 has been released!
- 原创
- 2017-10-01 14:10:06
- 张家辉
- 2414
ZSITE 6.6 has been released! This upgrade adjusts the template structure of Zsite and optimizes the output of the foreground code and the video playback function, and also fixes some security problems in the previous version.
Source Code Package http://dl.cnezsoft.com/chanzhi/6.6/chanzhiEPS.6.6.zip
Windows one-click installation package
64bit: http://dl.cnezsoft.com/chanzhi/6.6/chanzhiEPS.6.6.win64.exe
32bit: http://dl.cnezsoft.com/chanzhi/6.6/chanzhiEPS.6.6.win32.exe
Installation http://www.zsite.net/book/zsitemanual/9.html
Front http://demo.chanzhi.orgBackend http://demo.chanzhi.org/backend.php
If you are interested in knowing more about ZSITE, feel free to contact us at Max@easysoft.ltd