ZenTao vs. Jira 6 : story, issue and epic

2018/05/20   Renee   1768

Top Secret: How senior PO writes a PRD

Product Requirement Document (PRD) is very common to Product Owners. It is to transfer product projects from conceptualization to visualization. and to make the Marketing Requirement Document (MRD) in...
2018/05/11   Renee   1606

Scrum or DevOps?

“Should I use Scrum or DevOps?”This question deserves an attention because of the motivation to choose DevOps over Scrum. People want to go with DevOps over Scrum because they want to be ag...
2018/04/26   Joshua Partogi   1970


2018/04/25   Yves   2193

6 Things You Should Know About Scrum

Scrum: The Art of Doing Twice the Work in Half the Time
2018/04/20   Renee   1506

ZenTao Enterprise 1.1.4 has been released!

ZenTao Enterprise 1.1.4 has been released! This release is mainly to be synchronized with ZenTao 9.8.3. 1. ZenTao Enterprise FeaturesIntegrated with ZenTao open source 9.8.2 Click to view ...
2018/04/12   Yves   1113

ZenTao Pro 6.7.3 has been released!

ZenTao Pro 6.7.3 has been released! This release is mainly to be compatible with ZenTao 9.8.2. Click to view ZenTao 9.8.3 Change Log About ZenTao ProFor ZenTao Pro features, click HERE.Installa...
2018/04/12   Yves   929

ZenTao 9.8.3 has been released!

ZenTao 9.8.3 has been released! This release is to fix bugs anad optimized details.Change LogStories2872    Display the join date of employees 2870    Reserve fields for Feed...
2018/04/12   Yves   1207


2018/04/05   Logan   1442


2018/04/01   Amber   1172