
禅道是一款开源的全生命周期项目管理软件,基于敏捷和CMMI管理理念进行设计,集产品管理、项目管理、质量管理、文档管理、组织管理和事务管理于一体,完整覆盖研发项目管理的核心流程。 禅道管理思想注重实效,功能完备丰富,操作简洁高效,搜索功能强大,统计报表丰富多样,软件架构合理,扩展灵活。禅道可提供全生命周期项目管理解决方案、端到端的DevOps解决方案、自动化测试解决方案。全生命...
2019/08/01   Mirai Ten   1747

ZenTao Enterprise 3.5.alpha is released!

ZenTao Enterprise 3.5.alpha has been released! This release is mainly to integrate the workflow feature which can be customized.Workflow feature enables users to customize fields, actions,...
2019/07/31   Renee   1317

FAQ: What is the relation between ZenTao and Scrum?

Visitors to ZenTao website would often ask what ZenTao is and how ZenTao is related to Scrum. ZenTao users are usually familiar with Agile and would like to implement Agile in their team. So let's see...
2019/07/25   Mirai Ten   1765

ZenTao Enterprise 3.4 is released!

ZenTao Enterprise 3.4 has been released! This release is mainly to fix bugs, to optimize Feedback features, and to synchronize with ZenTao open source 11.6 and Pro 8.5. You can check the 11....
2019/07/21   Mirai Ten   1128

ZenTao Pro 8.5 is released!

ZenTao Pro 8.5 has been released! This release is to optimize features, fix bugs, and synchronize with ZenTao open source 11.6. You can check the version 11.6.stable Change Log HERE.ZenTao Des...
2019/07/21   Mirai Ten   1063

ZenTao 11.6.stable is released!

ZenTao 11.6.stable is released! This release is about the optimization for international versions and Translate feature integration.Change LogStory4172 Compare and review items of language fil...
2019/07/21   Mirai Ten   1361

Multilingual translation add-on for ZenTao is released!

ZenTao translation add-on is released!ZenTao was at first offered in Chinese and English. Very offered it is asked whether ZenTao is offered in French,German, Italian, Turkish, etc. Some of our...
2019/07/19   Renee Teng   1346

FAQ: Can I get notified of any changes in ZenTao?

Transparency and openness are both important to Scrum team. Being open about our work helps create transparency to our progress. Without transparency, any attempts to inspect and adapt will be flawed....
2019/07/14   Mirai Ten   1346

FAQ: Can I move bugs from one project to another?

Bug tracking is essential to product management. Some ZenTao users asked questions like whether they can move bugs from one project to the other.I suppose that I can move/copy bugs and test cases f...
2019/07/04   Mirai Ten   1600

FAQ: Does ZenTao have Wiki?

 image source https://helpjuice.com/blog/corporate-wikiWikis are flexible web pages that can be edited by multiple users so to help project team members to collaborate on project doc...
2019/07/02   Mirai Ten   1856