ZenTao 11.4 is released!

2019-03-30 11:27:02

ZenTao 11.4 is released! This release is to optimize ZenTao international version and details.

Installation and Upgrade Manual

Change Log


2584 Remove capitalized username from Int'l version 
2600 Mark required field on Create Project page in Tutorial 
2601 Merge story that is ClosedByMe to My Story
2602 Increase the width of the control ( this applies to all Search areas) 
2603 If delete SQL statement search, delete it from the menu as well 
2606 Edit the links in ZenTao int'l version and point it to zentao.pm 
2608 QA/CASE->Custom report. Incomplete display of the table in Int'l version  
2609 Adjust the width of Doc Home 
2610 Change the link to Pro introduction page 
2612 Remove mobile phone verification on the user registration page 
2613 Permanent Close. Display "No block” rather than a blank page.
2614 Change links to Chinese website in the Int'l version 
2615 Display English version of ZPL on the top in the Int'l version 
2616 If install.php is deleted, no more tips. 
2617 Product overview. Add a space between two English words when stitching programs 
2618 Kanban. Body and header are not displaced in the Int'l version. 
2619 Help for Burndown chart jump to 404. 
2862 Add changes to product linked project to Project->Overview history. 
2902 Test report in the Int'l version needs to be optimized. 
2903 User console on zentao.pm. Incomplete fields. 
2905 User center translation needs optimization on zentao.pm 
2937 DEMO English version. Create Project and then the layout of Link Product needs to be optimized 
2938 Set default workflow as Product/Sprint in the Int'l version 
2958 ZenTao runner. Link directs to Chinese website.
3063 Adjust the structure of "Version Try" on the index page" and check language compatible. 
3078 Set "Zentao ALM" as the default title on the landing page. 
3079 Set the width of the column fits for English 
3080 Adjust Burndown Help link 
3440 Display the child category and files of the current document. 
3503 Add Cancel parent-child relationship for Child Task. 
3535 Color tags of bug severity are not distinguishing. 
3547 Use Child Task to manage test tasks. 
3561 Optimize Link Story button on the Build page. 
3568 Add Assign to the Story page. 
3570 Add URL link to rich text editor. 
3581 ZenTao Cloud. Change Privilege translation on the Project home.
3582 Add Decompose Story on Kanban page. 
3584 Change some words in ZenTao for both Chinese and English. 
3587 Add Ignore button for Case imported from Case Lib 
3588 Display the progress on the task page. 
3593 Add Save button at the upper right of Edit Doc page. 
3595 Adjust the display of Doc in Card View. 
3596 Adjust the alignment of Headers for Doc List. 
3599 Change Create Project/Product to second-level menu. 
3603 Change the fetch method and it could be the same method to extend the fetch module.


1529 If change the sorting of a list, the order of the page on the detailed page is in a mess. 
1838 Task and Story of a Project are not consistent. 
2435 Inaccurate auto calculation of available days. 
2443 Set Change password after first login, use ZenTao Client to log in and it works. 
2457 Case redirection error in Test. 
2458 zbox one-click package. Error in ubuntu18. 
2459 The latest zbox can't interpret Dingding host. 
2466 Multi-user task assigning error. 
2467 Duplicated child tasks exported for tasks.


Source Code Package

  Official Website     SourceForge

One-Click Package with Integrated Runtime

Note:  It is for the first-time installation ONLY. Do NOT download it to update ZenTao you have installed. 

    • Windows 64 bit one-click installation

  Official Website     SourceForge
    • Windows 32 bit one-click installation

  Official Website      SourceForge

    • Windows one-click installation   (No security Settings)

  Official Website      SourceForge

    • Linux 64 bit one-click installation ( unzip it to /opt)

Official Website      SourceForge

    • Linux 32 bit one-click installation  (unzip it to /opt)

Official Website      SourceForge

    • DEB:use dpkg manager to install in Ubuntu/Debian

Official Website     SourceForge

    • RPM:use rpm manager to install in Centos

Official Website       SourceForge


If you have questions, contact us at Renee@easysoft.ltd.
