ZenTao 10.2.stable is released! Xuan.im is integrated!

2018-08-05 14:02:23

ZenTao 10.2.stable is released! This release is about bugs and Xuan.im, an open source instant messenger developed by our team, integration!

Installation and Upgrade Manual


Source Code Package


One-Click Package with Integrated Runtime( These are ONLY for first-time installation. Do Not download it to up grade ZenTao. )

    • Windows 64 bit one-click installation



    • Windows 32 bit one-click installation


    • Windows one-click installation(No security Settings)

    • Linux 64 bit one-click installation Note:Linux one-click installation package has to be unzipped to /opt.



    • Linux 32 bit one-click installation Note:Linux one-click installation package has to be unzipped to /opt.



    • DEB:use dpkg manager to install in Ubuntu/Debian



    • RPM:use rpm manager to install in Centos



If you have any questions, leave us a post at the forum. If you would like to get a free trial for more users, contact Renee@cnezsoft. com or Liujun@cnezsoft.com for help.
