ZSITE 6.3.beta has been released! Online upgrading is enhanced!
- 原创
- 2017-07-03 14:48:04
- 张家辉
- 1858
ZSITE 6.3.beta has been released! This release is mainly to upgrade framework and enhance the security of the program .
Amendant Record
1. LoadModel is modified to singleton pattern.
2. M odify getCSS() and getJS() in frame.
3. Fix bug about creatLink in frame.4. Provides centralized parameter filtering capabilities.
5. Provide the base file upload module.
6. New frame that fix bugs and security is integrated into ZSITE.
7. Fix bugs.
Source Code Package /dl/chanzhi/6.3.beta/chanzhiEPS.6.3.beta.zip
Windows one-click installation package /dl/chanzhi/6.3.beta/chanzhiEPS.6.3.beta.exe
Installation http://www.zsite.net/book/zsitemanual/9.html