​ZenTao Open Source 12.4.stable is released.

2020-07-31 13:29:48
ZenTao Official
摘要:​ZenTao Open Source 12.4.stable is released. This release mainly fixes bugs.

ZenTao Open Source 12.4.stable is released. This release mainly fixes bugs.


Source Code Package

     Official Website    SourceForge

One-Click Installation Package for Windows

  • Windows 64 bit one-click installation

     Official Website    SourceForge

  • Windows 32 bit one-click installation

     Official Website    SourceForge

  • Windows one-click installation (No security Settings)

     Official Website    SourceForge

One-Click Installation  Packages for Linux (unzip to /opt )

  • Linux 64 bit one-click installation (Ubuntu17+ and Centos7.4+)

     Official Website    SourceForge

  • Linux 32 bit one-click installation  ( Ubuntu17+ and Centos7.4+ )

     Official Website    SourceForge

  • Linux 64 bit one-click installation   ( Ubuntu16- and Centos7.3- )

     Official Website    SourceForge

  • Linux 32 bit one-click installation  ( Ubuntu16- and Centos7.3- )

     Official Website    SourceForge

PHP package


  Installation Manual

  Update Manual

If you have any questions, contact troy @easycorp.ltd for help.
