ZenTao 9.6 has been released! Webhook has been added!
- 原创
- 2017-11-10 15:55:46
- Renee
- 1544
ZenTao 9.6 has been released!
In this release, webhook has been added to work as the interface between ZenTao and other instant messenger. More actions in Zentao to get points have been added. Project Task has added Multi-Assignee Task and Child Task. Feature of customization on list page, required field, and nav bar has been added. Product View has added Product Line and th feature of exporting all products and all projects. Optimized and adjusted Task-Kanban. Added Project-Story Kanban.
Source Code Package
1: /sdl/projects/zentao/files/9.6/ZenTaoPMS.9.6.stable.zip2: /dl/zentao/9.6/ZenTaoPMS.9.6.stable.zip
One-Click Package for Integrated Runtime
( I t is ONLY for first time installation. Do Not download it to up grade ZenTao. )
Windows 64 bit one-click installation
1: /sdl/projects/zentao/files/9.6/ZenTaoPMS.9.6.stable.win64.exe
2: /dl/zentao/9.6/ZenTaoPMS.9.6.stable.win64.exe
Windows 32 bit one-click installation
1: /sdl/projects/zentao/files/9.6/ZenTaoPMS.9.6.stable.win32.exe
2: /dl/zentao/9.6/ZenTaoPMS.9.6.stable.win32.exe
Windows one-click installation(No security Settings)
1: /sdl/projects/zentao/files/9.6/ZenTaoPMS.9.6.stable.old.exe
2: /dl/zentao/9.6/ZenTaoPMS.9.6.stable.old.exe
1: /sdl/projects/zentao/files/9.6/ZenTaoPMS.9.6.stable.zbox_64.tar.gz
2: /dl/zentao/9.6/ZenTaoPMS.9.6.stable.zbox_64.tar.gz
Linux 32 bit one-click installation
1: /sdl/projects/zentao/files/9.6/ZenTaoPMS.9.6.stable.zbox_32.tar.gz2: /dl/zentao/9.6/ZenTaoPMS.9.6.stable.zbox_32.tar.gz
Note:Linux one-click installation package has to be unzipped to /opt.
DEB:use dpkg manager to install in Ubuntu/Debian
1: /sdl/projects/zentao/files/9.6/ZenTaoPMS_9.6.stable_1_all.deb
2: /dl/zentao/9.6/ZenTaoPMS_9.6.stable_1_all.deb
RPM:use rpm manager to install in Centos
2: /dl/zentao/9.6/zentaopms-9.6.stable-1.noarch.rpm
Install and Upgrade Document
installation reference http://www.zentao.pm/book/zentaopromanual/133.html
upgrade reference http://www.zentao.pm/book/zentaopromanual/136.html