Zdoo 4.0 has been released!
- 原创
- 2017-01-27 13:07:49
- 滕菲
- 2455
Zdoo 4.0 has been released! This release is to develop Project and Document as separate features, enhance documentation, optimize colors, fix bugs and adjust in details.
Change Log
- Separated Document as a module.
- Borrowed Document feature of ZenTao and coded it in Ranger.
- Added Document Library in Project.
- Added sorting in Doc Lib.
- Separated Project as a module.
- Optimized the color scheme of Ranger.
- Merged CRM module.
- Adjusted the sequence of action dates: Add-> Last Contact-> Next Contact.
- Adjusted the link of More in Contract and Order.
- Optimized referrer of redirection after user login.
- Added privilege management of Edit/Delete files.
- Adjusted to display public account in Accounting.
- Added notice when user has no privilege to edit Expense.
- Added notice when user has no privilege to do batch accounting.
- Added the features to set the number of threads/posts showed in Forum and quick jump page.
- Added Title and Subject fields when submit a Reimbursement request.
- Recalculated the width of fixed table header when switch To-Do in full screen.
source code: /dl/ranzhi/4.0/ranzhi.4.0.zip
Windows one-click installation: /dl/ranzhi/4.0/ranzhi.4.0.exe
Linux one-click installation 32bit: /dl/ranzhi/4.0/RanZhi.4.0.zbox_32.tar.gz
Linux one-click installation 64bit: /dl/ranzhi/4.0/RanZhi.4.0.zbox_64.tar.gz
Linux rpm: /dl/ranzhi/4.0/ranzhi-4.0-1.noarch.rpm
Linux deb: /dl/ranzhi/4.0/ranzhi_4.0_1_all.deb
Install http://rangerteam.com/book/rangermanual/sourcecodeinstallation-19.html
Uprade http://rangerteam.com/book/rangermanual/upgraderanger-22.html