Zdoo 4.0 has been released!

2017-01-27 13:07:49

Zdoo 4.0 has been released! This release is to develop Project and Document as separate features, enhance documentation, optimize colors, fix bugs and adjust in details.

Change Log

  1. Separated Document as a module.
  2. Borrowed Document feature of ZenTao and coded it in Ranger.
  3. Added Document Library in Project.
  4. Added sorting in Doc Lib.
  5. Separated Project as a module.
  6. Optimized the color scheme of Ranger.
  7. Merged CRM module.
  8. Adjusted the sequence of action dates: Add-> Last Contact-> Next Contact.
  9. Adjusted the link of More in Contract and Order.
  10. Optimized referrer of redirection after user login.
  11. Added privilege management of Edit/Delete files.
  12. Adjusted to display public account in Accounting.
  13. Added notice when user has no privilege to edit Expense.
  14. Added notice when user has no privilege to do batch accounting.
  15. Added the features to set the number of threads/posts showed in Forum and quick jump page.
  16. Added Title and Subject fields when submit a Reimbursement request.
  17. Recalculated the width of fixed table header when switch To-Do in full screen.


source code: /dl/ranzhi/4.0/ranzhi.4.0.zip

Windows one-click installation: /dl/ranzhi/4.0/ranzhi.4.0.exe

Linux one-click installation 32bit: /dl/ranzhi/4.0/RanZhi.4.0.zbox_32.tar.gz

Linux one-click installation 64bit: /dl/ranzhi/4.0/RanZhi.4.0.zbox_64.tar.gz

Linux rpm: /dl/ranzhi/4.0/ranzhi-4.0-1.noarch.rpm

Linux deb: /dl/ranzhi/4.0/ranzhi_4.0_1_all.deb


Install http://rangerteam.com/book/rangermanual/sourcecodeinstallation-19.html

Uprade http://rangerteam.com/book/rangermanual/upgraderanger-22.html
