What is the best license to apply on an open-source project that I intend to sell commercially as well?

This is about how we chose license for our product. Hope it helps your decision making. We, Nature Easy Soft, are a group of young people who love open source and we focus on problems within profess...
2017/01/21   滕菲   3396


禅道是一款开源的全生命周期项目管理软件,基于敏捷和CMMI管理理念进行设计,集产品管理、项目管理、质量管理、文档管理、组织管理和事务管理于一体,完整覆盖研发项目管理的核心流程。   禅道管理思想注重实效,功能完备丰富,操作简洁高效,搜索功能强大,统计报表丰富多样,软件架构合理,扩展灵活。禅道可提供全生命周期项目管理解决方案、端到端的DevOps解决方案、自动化测试解决方案。 全生命...
2017/01/21   滕菲   2514

Do Chinese companies manage software and technology projects similar to those in the West? What tools they use to manage tasks and team etc.?

I am working for a Chinese IT company and YES, we do use project management tools. Actually, one of our products is for software project management and was originally developed for our team to...
2017/01/21   滕菲   2327

Is zen philosophy practical in real life?

I have recently read something about Zen and software development, since one of our products, ZenTao project management software, is actually the reflection of Zen philosophy. what’s this Zen thing? ...
2017/01/21   滕菲   2536