ZenTao Open Source 11.6.4 Released

ZenTao Open Source 11.6.4 has been released! This release is to fix bugs.Change LogStory4349 Username include ‘.’4390 Add translator info to About.4392 Switch DocLibs when managing document categ...
2019/10/21   Amber   1247

Case Study: Apply ZenTao in a large-scale project

ZenTao has been well-known among small and medium sized companies and help them to manage software development projects. For large-scale projects, ZenTao is also capable of doing the Scrum tool job. B...
2019/08/22   John Weide   1116

10 Test Management Tools 2019

Test management are to ensure that stories of a product are properly developed and bugs are fixed, so the deliverable are ready for customers. Test management tools can help in managing test cases, te...
2019/06/29   Mirai Ten   2453

Export stories from ZenTao in html

Story management is important in software development, which has an impact on managing other aspects involved in software projects. In the Story module of ZenTao, users can manage many types of produc...
2018/08/06   Pedro, Renee   1581

Zdoo 4.6.1.stable has been released! Product category management is added!

Zdoo 4.6.1.stable has been released! This release is mainly categorize product lines which can be done in unlimited levels. Bugs have been fixed and details optimized.Change LogStory List...
2018/02/11   Yves   2068

Scrum Poker: A Scrum Estimating Tool

Scrum poker, AKA planning poker, is a consensus-based tool for estimating and planning effort/man-hour in software development projects, especially in Agile development, such as Scrum and Extreme Prog...
2017/12/14   Renee   3244

ZenTao 9.6.3 has been released! Bugs are resolved.

ZenTao 9.6.3 has been released! It is mainly about fixing bugs.Change Log1312 Once a build is released, the release name displayed rather than the build name in Project->Build.1303 Fixed xs...
2017/12/08   Renee   1812

ZenTao 9.6.2 has been released!

ZenTao 9.6.2 has been released! It is mainly about fixing bugs in ZenTao 9.6 and optimizing details.Adjusted logic of restricted user privilege and set built-in restricted user group.Fixed the iss...
2017/11/20   Renee   1802

Zentao Cloud 6.5.stable has been released.

Zentao Cloud 6.5.stable has been released! This release is to be compatible with open source version 9.5stable.
2017/10/22   张家辉   2326

Now SaaS! Perfect Project Management Solutions

Gobalization and outsouring has greatly change the geography of IT industry. Programmers working for the same project might be from different departments, companies or even different countries. Conseq...
2017/09/22   Renee   2003