Implement Scrum Using ZenTao

2018-06-01 10:53:58

Scrum is all about increment and iterations. It attaches great importance to communications among team members.

Scrum, not like Waterfall which requires everything to be ready at the beginning of the project, can be implemented when the goal of the project and a few user stories have been confirmed.

Scrum team usually has no more than 10 members, including a product owner, a scrum master and a scrum team.

  • Product Owner

- "responsible for defining Stories and prioritizing the Team Backlog to streamline the execution of program priorities while maintaining the conceptual and technical integrity of the Features or components for the team. "1

  • Scrum Master

-"responsible for ensuring the team lives agile values and principles and follows the processes and practices that the team agreed they would use."2

  • Scrum team

- DEV team and QA team.

Steps to Scrum

  1. Brainstorming

Stories have to be made clear from the beginning of the development. Product owner should understand stories. S/He could ask tech team and users for advice and write a table of advice collected.

2. PO filters the advice and summaries the core stories

Once stories are confirmed, Scrum Master can start to write the PRD (product requirement document). This is the same as the documentation in Waterfall. PRD must be written by Scrum Master and PO, and it should include business logic and features, workflow, etc.

3. Workload estimation

Quantify the workload, including prototype, logo, UI, frontend, etc. Break down the work as small as possible. The smallest workload should be no more than 16 hours. Then estimate the total man-hour of the project.

Write each task on a sticky note and stick it to a whiteboard which is divided into three columns,

1)to do, 2)doing, and 3)done;

or use a project management software to visualize your work.

4. Sprint

After quantifying the workload, prioritize tasks and create sprints. Work on one sprint at a time.

  • Sprint:Each sprint is independent. The priority of sprints go as main feature, subordinate features, small feature, and the last sprint is usually to fix bugs.
  • Sprint:Scrum Master knows how many hours have been used and how much work have been done each day, because all tasks and workload have been quantified. Update the information mentioned above in Burndown charts, through which the progress of tasks and the number of hours are clearly shown.
  • Sprint:In Burndown charts, man-hour must be recorded no matter whether the task is done or not.
  • Bugs:Each sprint should go through QA. Try to involve the team in QA. If too many bugs are found, start a new sprint to fix them.
  • Daily standup meeting:stand up, every day, no more than 15 mins. Three questions should be touched at the meeting:

1)What has been done? 2)What will be done today? and 3)Any problems?

5. Review

Product Owner and stakeholders will review the product. If there is anything needs to be improved, PO should create a bug sprint for it.


  • Scrum has disadvantages.The high demand for the team. Team members should be capable of what they are doing and trust each other. If anything goes wrong, they will try to fix it, rather than just shifting responsibility.
  • If it is the first that your team uses Scrum, there will be problems. BE PATIENT AND WORK IT OUT.

Using ZenTao and Scrum

1. Create users in ZenTao

2. Create your Product in ZenTao and add user stories.

3. Decompose stories to tasks and record them in ZenTao. Assign tasks to team members.

4. Assignee updates the man-hour every day.

Click the button and enter the man-hour in the pop-out window.

5. If any bugs, go to QA to report it. You can also create cases, builds, suites, reports, and libraries under QA module.

You can also use Doc to manage documents related the product/project, Report to get an intuitive overview of your product/project/bugs.

For more instructions on how to do Scrum suing ZenTao, go to ZenTao official website.



