ZenTao Open Source 12.3.3 is released

ZenTao Open Source 12.3.3 is released. Parent stories cannot be related to plans or projects and related issues caused are fixed. Security loopholes are fixed and performance is improved.
2020/07/11   Renee Teng   746

Install Redis for PHP 7.2 (Windows)

Redis is completely open source and free. It complies with the BSD and is a high-performance key-value database.
2020/07/11   Ley Boi   739

ZDOO 5.0.1 is released!

ZDOO 5.0.1 is released! This release is to fix bugs in CRM, CASH, OA and backend. Also, several sever bugs such as exporting customer information, importing accounting, and setting Amoeba subjects, are resolved.
2020/07/10   Renee Teng   846

The Most Popular Test Management Tool 2020

51Testing, a software testing service provider, released the 13th Survey on the Current Situation Software Testing Industry 2019 earlier and ZenTao is again selected the most popular test management tool with 43%, compared with Jira 26%.
2020/07/01   Chris Mirai   933

Zsite 8.3 is released!

Zsite 8.3 is to add more features and WeChat mini programs
2020/07/01   Renee Teng   859

ZDOO 5.0 is released!

ZDOO 5.0 is released! The Flow feature has been optimized with a visual editor which can display the complex process definitions through graphics
2020/06/25   Renee Teng   800

What is copyleft?

Is copyleft what is left in copyright? Read this blog to know whether it is true.
2020/06/25   Mirai Michi   710

All You Need to Know Before Taking a Scrum Master Certification

Scrum in rugby is an ordered formation of players, in which the forwards of a team push forward against a similar group from the opposing side. An agile practice borrowed this term and now it is widely used project management which emphasizes daily communication and the flexible review of plans that are carried out in short, iterative phases of work.
2020/06/22   Mirai   1062

Configure Java RTE in CentOS

Two ways to configure Java runtime environment in CentOS.Update the software package  Make sure the server software package is updated.sudo yum update -yMethod 1Install...
2020/06/19   Memory   688


2020/06/18   Sam Tuo   732