Bad team collaboration? Time to do task management!

2018-03-10 10:58:25
Lily, Renee

Collaborative management is a very important part of business administration. It also has a lot of problems, because it involves cooperations among different team members. No matter you are a manager or just an employee, you will have problems.

From Managers

  • Tasks are always delayed while employees complain the workload.
  • Communication and feedback on tasks are not efficient, so it affects the result.
  • The real-time progress of tasks is not provided to manages for managing and monitoring
  • KPI is more subjective than objective and team performance and efficiency is not clear.

From employees

  • Routine work is miscellaneous and no gains.
  • Scheduled work are always interrupted by provisional works.
  • Ignored and delayed work caused bad results.
  • Unaware of team members' work and progress and no collaboration.

Every team will have various problems in the team collaboration, including unclear objectives, unclear responsibilities, poor execution, opaque information and low efficiency. If these problems exist, that means your team needs task management.

Task management is an important part of team management. Task management mainly includes the evaluation of tasks, regularly listing the tasks, updating the task schedule, informing team members about tasks and delivering the task results on time. The purpose of task management is to improve team efficiency, to eliminate communication barriers, to respond quickly and to operate efficiently.

So how does task management in team collaboration?

For Managers

1. Clear task assignment

Team leader creates tasks/projects and defines task details, including task requirements, task goals, man-hours, task assignees and reporting requirements. This will clarify what to do, what it needs to be achieved, and when to finish it.

However, managers should not change tasks or assign other additional work, since tasks have been evaluated and assigned. Make sure that team members focus on the task with in the time frame and avoid temporary and provisional work to increase time cost.

There are many task management tools available and task management has become an important part of collaborative system. Noe let's see how to assign tasks in Zdoo collaborative system..

2. Supervise the status of tasks and adjust the schedule at any time

After the assigning tasks, team leader can see the status of the tasks at any time, and see what tasks have been completed, what tasks are in progress, and what is not yet started, and know the progress of the whole project. It can also check the task status of a member to know his or her efficiency and time allocation.

For employees

1.  Claim tasks and update the status

After claiming the assigned tasks, assignees can evaluate tasks according to its priority and man-hours, and to schedule tasks accordingly. When doing the task, record the man-hour consumed and update the task schedule, so members and team leader can see the progress of each other.

Details of a task status

2. Do time management and improve work efficiency

A time management tool can be used to make a personal time arrangement. For example, the four quadrant time management method for scheduled tasks according to the priorities. Collaborative / task management software can help too.

Time management for individuals in Zdoo

Isn't task management amazing?

If you have no idea where to start, you can try Zdoo which is free and open source collaborative system. You can also refer to Zdoo manual for more help.
