ZDOO Pro 2.5 has been released! Receipt management, Ameba and details are optimized!
- 原创
- 2018-02-12 09:56:11
- Yves
- 1733
ZDOO Pro 2.5 has been released! This release is to optimize receipt management, Amoeba module and details, and to fix bugs.
About Zdoo Pro
Zdoo Pro 2.5 is based on Zdoo open source 4.6.1. For change log, please refer to Zdoo Open Source 4.6.1.
Zdoo is encrypted software and users need to install Ioncube to decrypted it. The free trial is 3 month and up to 3 users. If you need more licenses to try, please contact us at Renee@cnezsoft.com or liujun@cnezsoft.com.
Change Log
- Add multiple company management
- You can manage the information of multiple companies in Company.
- Set a company as the primary company
- Add company option to cash accounts
- Add company option to Contract
- Add company option to Receipt
- You can manage the information of multiple companies in Company.
- Optimize Amoeba module
- Auto update Amoeba report
- Distinguish data with colors
- Optimize the style of buget report
- Add the data of last year as reference
- Separate shared expense from expense rules
- Revenue allocation is done by departments, products, and captions of accounts
- Update data after captions of accounts merge
- Save the status of each department monthly
- 完善发票管理功能
- Optimize receipt list and display the amount of payment.
- Add Search to Receipt
- Add serach tab to Receipt
- Contract option on the Edit page of receipt
- Export receipt as Excel
- Fixed bugs
- Add jump page to forums that no category is set.
- Add external manager to accounts.
- Invalid setting of department manager in Flow
- Error 500 after setting prefix in custom tables
- Customer found va search can't choose contracts
- Put two newly added flows at the same place and one will not show
- Password can't be changes in Pro 2.4
- Guest logout is recorded in Dynamic
- Abnormal display when editing receipt information
- Sync captions of accout in Amoeba with bookkeeping CASH
- Ask for Leave is abnorma in Mobile App
- Amoeba->Budge can't display in English version
- Mark required field on Flow page
source code package(php5.3-5.6): /dl/ranzhi/pro.2.5/ranzhi.pro2.5.php5.3_5.6.zip
source code package(php7.0): /dl/ranzhi/pro.2.5/ranzhi.pro2.5.php7.0.zip
source code package(php7.0): /dl/ranzhi/pro.2.5/ranzhi.pro2.5.php7.1.zip
Windows 64 bit one-click installation: /dl/ranzhi/pro.2.5/ranzhi.pro2.5.stable.win64.exe
Windows 32 bit one-click installation: /dl/ranzhi/pro.2.5/ranzhi.pro2.5.stable.win32.exe
Linux 64 bit one-click installation: /dl/ranzhi/pro.2.5/ranzhi.pro2.5.stable.zbox_64.tar.gz
Linux 32 bit one-click installation: /dl/ranzhi/pro.2.5/ranzhi.pro2.5.stable.zbox_32.tar.gz
Note:Linux one-click installation package has to be unzipped to /opt.
For Installation, please refer to HERE.
For Upgrade, please refer to HERE.
If you are interested in knowing more about Zdoo, feel free to contact us at Renee@easysoft.ltd or add Nature Easy Soft via Skype.
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