ZDOO Self-Hosted 4.1 is released!

2020-05-21 16:07:31
Renee Teng
摘要:ZDOO 4.1 is released! CRM, Flow, Amoeba and other three features have been optimized and tested repeatedly to reduce the probability of bugs.

ZDOO 4.1 is released! CRM, Flow, Amoeba and other three features have been optimized and tested repeatedly to reduce the probability of bugs.

ZDOO required IonCube installed. Refer to Install Ioncube  for how to install it. If any problems, contact us at Troy@easycorp.ltd.  ZDOO  has built in with a  5-user license  and valid for  180 days . You can contact renee@easycorp.ltd, if you need more users.


  1. Improved CRM features and optimized performance.
  2. Fix the abnormal character in full text search.
  3. Fix the bug that the full text search icon is not displayed on the small screen.
  4. Fixed the new contact page error when invoicing purchases in PSI. 
  5. Fix the bug that users without salary-related permissions can view salary in the block. 
  6. Fix the error in saving an edited invoice.
  7. Fixed the bug that the invoicing company was not displayed when the company was not set up.
  8. Fix the duplicated prompts when saving an existing customer, contact and other information.
  9. Fix the contract page border style when the contract number is set to a fixed value.
  10. Fix the unresponsive after saving new budget in Amoeba module.
  11. Fix the misalignment of the budget table in Amoeba  module.
  12. Fix the bug that the input box is not displayed in the new budget when there is no data in the Amoeba mid-month / week budget report.
  13. Fix the bug that the amoeba type is not displayed completely when managing  Amoeba departments.
  14. Fix the bug that department managers cannot see the approvals assigned to them in the Flow.
  15. Fix the bug that the structure of the  default ID field in the database of the Flow is modified.
  16. Fix the bug that the added actions in the Flow are not displayed in the "More" on the list page.
  17. Fix the bug that the decimal type field in the Flow is not verified when used.
  18. Fix the bug that the fields set as read-only in the Flow can be edited. 
  19. Fix the bug that the fields set as required set as read-only in the Action of a Flow cannot be saved on the Edit page.
  20. Fix the bug that the trigger condition of the extended action in ta Flow does not work.
  21. Fix the bug that the required fields for setting the interface linkage in the Flow cannot be displayed.
  22. Fix the bug that the prompt of "please set up Batch Create interface" for Download Template when Batch Create is not set in the Flow.
  23. Fix other style display issues.

Installation and Upgrade

  • For the first-time Installation, refer to  HERE.
  • For upgrade, refer to HERE.


One-Click Installation Package for Windows

  • Windows 64 bit one-click installation

     Official Website

  • Windows 32 bit one-click installation

     Official Website

One-Click Package  ( Packages for Linux have to be unzipped to /opt )

  • Linux 64 bit one-click installation

     Official Website

  • Linux 32 bit one-click installation

     Official Website

ZDOO Mobile App


  • If you want to upgrade it, contact us at troy@easycorp.ltd.
  • Windows one-click installation can be unzip to the root directory.
  • Linux  one-click installation should be unzipped to /opt.

PHP package

Zdoo Screenshots

Zdoo Dashboard

Zdoo  Todo/Calendar

If you have any questions or would like to get a free trial for more users, contact Renee @easysoft.ltd for help. You can also follow us on

Linkedin   https://www.linkedin.com/company/1156596/

Facebook  https://www.facebook.com/natureeasysoft/

Twitter  https://www.twitter.com/Zdoo_EasyCorp
